Call for Short-term scientific missions (STSMs)
A call for STSMs is currently open until 30/06/2025, for STSMs taking place from 01/01/2025 to 31/10/2025. The call will be extended if the budget allocated for STSMs in this Grant Period of the project is not entirely spent.
Miklós Veres (
What is STSM?
Short-term scientific mission (STSM) is an exchange visit between researchers involved in a COST Action. STSM is a great opportunity for researchers to share techniques and gain skills that may not be available at their home institution or laboratory.
An STSM consists of a visit of a host organization located in a different country than the country of affiliation by a Researcher or Innovator for specific work to be carried out and for a determined period of time.
STSM grant benefits to:
The start and end date of a STSM must be within the active Grant Period of the Action. Their aim is to foster collaboration in excellent research infrastructures and share new techniques that may not be available in a participant’s home institution or laboratory.
More information can be found in Annex 2 of the Annotated Rules for COST Actions.
Funding Scheme
The STSM grant provides a contribution for travel, accommodation, and subsistence expenses, implementation of the project, delivery of the report to the COST Action MC and overall effort. The grant is decided by the Action MC or Core Group on the proposal of the evaluators, based on the request of the applicant, and should reflect the duration and location of the STSM.
The maximum amount of the STSM grant is EUR 4,000. Upon approval of the Grant, the Action MC can decide to lower the requested grant.
Eligible individuals to apply for an STSM grant must be affiliated to a legal entity in
A complete definition of the terms used above is given in the document Country and organisations table.
The affiliation of an individual or a legal entity is determined as per Article of the Annotated rules for COST Actions.
Calls for Short Term Scientific Missions applications are periodically shared amongst the participants of the COST Action. In response to a call, the STSM grant application shall be submitted online in e-COST using dedicated forms: